PRESENTATION: Herranz L.E; Paci S.
Presentation of the MUSA Project – Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents.
NUGENIA Forum 2019 – poster.
CONFERENCE PAPER: Lopez C.; Herranz L.E; Chavardes C.; Pecanka M.; Beck S.; Sonnenkalb M.; Rocchi F.; Mascari F.; Gabrielli F.; Sánchez-Espinoza V.; Brumm S.; Coindreau O.; Jacquemain D.; Paci S.
Launching the new MUSA Project.
Win Global 2019 Conference. – download.
PRESENTATION: Herranz L.E.; Beck S.; Sanchez V.H.; Mascari F.; Brumm S.; Coindreau O.; Paci S.
The EC‐MUSA Project: Main pillars and progress.
CSARP/MCAP Technical Review Meetings 2020. – download.
PRESENTATION: Herranz L.E.; Beck S.; Sanchez V.H.; Mascari F.; Brumm S.; Coindreau O.; Paci S.
MUSA – Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents.
2nd RCM on IAEA CRP on Advancing the State of Practice in Uncertainty and Sensitivity Methodologies for SA Analysis in WCRs. – download.
PAPER: Guglielmelli A.; Ederli S.; Mascari F.; Rocchi F.; Maccari P.
Coupling of ASTEC and RASCAL 4.3 codes to evaluate the ST and the Radiological Consequences of a Loss‐of‐Cooling Accident at a SFP.
NENE 2020ASME, September 2020 & Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, October 2022. 8(4): 041602. – download – Zenodo –
CONFERENCE PAPER: Herranz L.E.; Sonnenkalb M.; Sánchez-Espinoza V.; Mascari F.; Brumm S.; Coindreau O.; Paci S.
Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents (MUSA): An H2020-Euratom Project.
Reunion anual de la Sociedad Nuclear Española 2020. – download.
Severe accident and uncertainty estimation, needs and current activities.
Modelling in Nuclear Science and Engineering Seminar 2020 ‐ the Nuclear Institute NI. – download.
CONFERENCE PAPER: Mascari F.; Herranz L.E.; Beck S.; Sánchez-Espinoza V.; Brumm S.; Coindreau.; Paci S.;
The MUSA Project: Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents.
EUROSAFE 2021. – download.
CONFERENCE PAPER: Mascari F.; Bersano A.; Massone M.; Agnello G.; Coindreau O.; Beck S.; Tiborcz L.; Paci S.; Angelucci M.; Herranz L.E.; Bocanegra R.; Pontillon Y; OU Pingwen, GE Zhenzhen; Berdai M.; Cherednichenko O.; Iskra A.; Nudi M.; Groudev P.; Petrova P.; Kretzschmar F.; Gabrielli F.; Kanglong Z.; Vileiniškis V.; Kaliatka T.; Deng Lilin; Kalilainen J.; Malicki M.; Gao Shengqin; Gumenyuk D.; Vorobyov Y.; Kotsuba O.; Dejardin P.; Di Giuli M.; Thomas R.; Ivanov I.V.; Salay M.; Sevon T.
First Outcomes from the Phebus FPT1 Uncertainty Application Done in the EU-MUSA Project.
NURETH-19 Conference, 2022. – download.
CONFERENCE PAPER: Mascari F.; Massone M.; Agnello G.; Angelucci M.; Paci S.; D’Onorio M.; Giannetti F.
PHEBUS FPT1 Uncertainty Application with the MELCOR 2.2 Code.
NURETH-19 Conference, 2022. – download.
CONFERENCE PAPER: Brumm S.; Gabrielli F.; Sanchez-Espinoza V.; Groudev P.; Ou P.; Zhang W.; Malkhasyan A.; Bocanegra R.; Herranz L.E.; Berdaï M.; Mascari F.; Agnello G.; Cherednichenko O.; Nudi M.; Hoefer A.; Pauli E.-M.; Beck S.; Tiborcz L.; Coindreau O.; Clark G.; Lamont I.; Zheng X.; Kubo K.; Lee B.; Valincius M.; Giannotti W.; Malicki M.; Gao S.; Vorobyov Y.; Di Giuli M.; Ivanov I.; D’Onorio M.; Giannetti F.; Salay M.; Sevon T.
Status of the Uncertainty Quantification for Severe Accident Sequences of Different NPP-Designs in the Frame of the H2020 Project MUSA.
ERMSAR 2022 – download.
CONFERENCE PAPER: Coindreau O.; Herranz L.E.; Bocanegra R.; Ederli S.; Maccari P.; Mascari F.; Cherednichenko O.; Iskra A.; Groudev P.; Vryashkova P.; Petrova P.; Kaliatka A.; Vileiniškis V.; Malicki M.; Lind T.; Kotsuba O.; Ivanov I.; Giannetti F.; D’Onorio M.; Ou P.; Feiye L.; Piluso P.; Pontillon Y.; Nudi M.;
Uncertainty Quantification for a Severe Accirdent Sequence in a SFP in the Frame of the H2020 Project MUSA: First Outcomes
ERMSAR 2022 – download.
CONFERENCE PAPER: Bocanegra R.; Herranz L.E.
CIEMAT’s outcomes from the PHEBUS-FPT1 uncertainty analysis in the framework of the EU-MUSA project
ERMSAR 2022 – download.
CONFERENCE PAPER: Stakhanova A.; Gabrielli F.; Sanchez-Espinoza V.; Pauli E.; Hoefer A.
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of the ASTEC Simulations Results of a MBLOCA Scenario in a Generic KONVOI Plant Using the FSTC Tool.
ERMSAR 2022 – download.
CONFERENCE PAPER: Malicki M.; Lind T.; Kalilainen J.;
The Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of FPT-1 FPT-1 MELCOR 2.2 Input Deck as a Preparation for Uncertainty Quantification Study
ERMSAR 2022 – download.
MUSA-PIACE-AMHYCO Joint Paper – Towards an Optimized Management of Accidents.
FISA, 2022. – download.
PRESENTATION: Bocanegra R.; Herranz L.E.; Angelucci M.; Paci S.
On the UaSA Application to the PHEBUS-FPT1 Scenario.
CSARP/MCAP Technical Review Meetings 2022. – download.
PAPER: Petrova P. H., Groudev P. P., P. Vryashkova I.
BEPU Analyses for the Postulated Loss-of-cooling Accident Scenario in the Spent Fuel Pool at the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4.
R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., vol. 75, no. 7, pp. 959–965, Jul. 2022. – download – ISSN: 1310–1331, DOI: 10.7546/CRABS.2022.07.03
Overview of MUSA: Management & Uncertainties in SA.
2nd WGFS/WGAMA DEC Activity meeting, 7-8 September, 2022. – download.
PAPER: Luis E. Herranz, Gonzalo Jiménez, and Francesco S. Nitti.
Towards an optimized management of accidents.
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 8, 43 (2022) – download – https://doi.org/10.1051/epjn/2022019
PAPER: S. Brumm a, F. Gabrielli, V. Sanchez-Espinoza, A. Stakhanova, M. Nudi, P. Groudev,
P. Ou, L.E. Herranz.
Uncertainty quantification for severe-accident reactor modelling: Set-up and first results of the Horizon-2020 project MUSA
Annals of Nuclear Energy 191 (2023) 109919 – download – https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2023.109919
PAPER: O. Coindreau a, L.E. Herranz, R. Bocanegra, S. Ederli, P. Maccari, F. Mascari, O. Cherednichenko, A. Iskra, P. Groudev, P. Vryashkova, P. Petrova, A. Kaliatka, V. Vileiniˇskis, M. Malicki, T. Lind, O. Kotsuba, I. Ivanov, F. Giannetti, M. D’Onorio, P. Ou, L. Feiye, P. Piluso, Y. Pontillon, M. Nudi.
Uncertainty quantification for a severe accident sequence in a SFP in the frame of the H-2020 project MUSA: First outcomes.
Annals of Nuclear Energy 188 (2023) 109796. – download – https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2023.109796
PRESENTATIONS: Sandro Paci (University of Pisa), Delphine Mayer (LGI)
Proceedings of the MUSA Final Open Workshop, CIEMAT Madrid, May 10‐11, 2023 – download
PAPER (draft): M. Angelucci, S. Paci
Preliminary Uncertainty Assessment of the Containment Behaviour for the PHEBUS FPT1 Test
Presented at the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE 30, Kyoto, Japan – May 21-26, 2023 – download
PAPER: S. Brumm, F. Gabrielli, V. Sanchez Espinoza, A. Stakhanova, P. Groudev, P. Petrova, P. Vryashkova, P. Ou, W. Zhang, A. Malkhasyan, L.E. Herranz, R. Iglesias Ferrer, M. Angelucci, M. Berdaï, F. Mascari, G. Agnello, O. Sevbo, A. Iskra, V. Martinez Quiroga, M. Nudi, …T. Sevon
Uncertainty quantification for severe-accident reactor modelling: Results and conclusions of the MUSA reactor applications work package
Annals of Nuclear Energy Volume 211, February 2025, 110962 – https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2024.110962