Enhancing knowledge dissemination
The MUSA project will enhance dissemination of knowledge in the area of severe accidents codes and uncertainty tools.
Education and training activities will target PhD/Masters students but they will also be open to young researchers in the Source Term field.
The education and training activities undertaken in the MUSA project are threefold: a mobility programme, a lecture on “Uncertainty Quantification in Severe Accident Analyses” and public learning modules.
Partners are currently offering to host mobility on the following topics:
- “Use and further development of a python script for MELCOR UQ analysis. Development of a methodology to account for failed calculations by investigating the input parameters and the correlations between them.”
- “Prediction of realistic nuclide inventories of LWR-cores with the KIT code KORIGEN for realistic radiogical source term prediction with SA-codes”
- “Perform ASTEC/JRODOS radiological source term predictions for a German PWR Konvoi plant at different seasons (Summer and Winter)”
- “Improve the usability of the KIT Python based FTSC tool for Uncertainty & Sensitivity quantification”
All of the mobility opportunities and training modules will be announced and promoted through the MUSA website and communication channels.