Education & training

Enhancing knowledge dissemination

The MUSA project will enhance dissemination of knowledge in the area of severe accidents codes and uncertainty tools.

Education and training activities will target PhD/Masters students but they will also be open to young researchers in the Source Term field.

The education and training activities undertaken in the MUSA project are threefold: a mobility programme, a lecture on “Uncertainty Quantification in Severe Accident Analyses” and public learning modules.


Mobility exchange programme

The mobility exchange programme for young researchers and PhD/Masters students has the purpose of enhancing dissemination of knowledge in the area of Severe Accidents codes and Uncertainty tools. The mobility programme covers the following activities:

  • Temporary stays in MUSA partners’ labs
  • Attendance to MUSA international conferences, workshops and seminars related to the MUSA project
  • Participation in the Severe Accidents phenomenology course of NUGENIA TA2/SARNET or similar international courses on Severe Accidents and/or on “uncertainties”

To apply, please read the documents opposite. These document details the conditions of the MUSA mobility grants. The MUSA Mobility Manual includes the application form. The MUSA Agreement Template between the University of Pisa (UNIPI) and the grant applicant organisation must also be filled.

Partners are currently offering to host mobility on the following topics:


  • “Use and further development of a python script for MELCOR UQ analysis. Development of a methodology to account for failed calculations by investigating the input parameters and the correlations between them.”


  • “Prediction of realistic nuclide inventories of LWR-cores with the KIT code KORIGEN for realistic radiogical source term prediction with SA-codes”
  • “Perform ASTEC/JRODOS radiological source term predictions for a German PWR Konvoi plant at different seasons (Summer and Winter)”
  • “Improve the usability of the KIT Python based FTSC tool for Uncertainty & Sensitivity quantification”
“Uncertainty Quantification in Severe Accident Analyses” Lecture

A lecture on “Uncertainty Quantification in Severe Accident Analyses” for various international courses that might be given on Severe Accidents and/or on “uncertainties” has been produced.

The coordinator, Luis E. Herranz, has presented this lecture at the SAP 2023 course. The presentation of this lecture is now publicly available in PDF format.

Public learning modules

Public learning modules will  be released. At least three compiling the major outcomes from the project will be produced targeting nuclear masters students. They will address:

  • Major sources of uncertainties in Severe Accidents, with particular emphasis on Source Term
  • Methodologies for uncertainty assessment in Severe Accidents, with particular emphasis on the Source Term estimates.
  • Assessment of Source Term Uncertainties in Fukushima-like scenarios
Events-related Posters and Papers:
  • MUSA has been featured at the NESTet 2021 Forum. NESTet offers a space to discuss opportunities and challenges in nuclear education, training, knowledge management and human resource development related to nuclear energy and other nuclear applications. Check out the MUSA poster and paper presented during NESTet.


All of the mobility opportunities and training modules will be announced and promoted through the MUSA website and communication channels.