European H2020 project
The MUSA project proposes an innovative research agenda to advance the predictive capability of Severe Accidents analysis codes by combining them with the best available/improved Uncertainty Qualification tools and embedding accident management as an intrinsic aspect of Severe Accidents analyses. The project is identifying and quantifying uncertainty sources in Severe Accidents analyses, reviewing and adaptating Uncertainty Qualification methods and testing such methods against reactor and Spent Fuel Pool accident analyses, including accident management.
The overall objective of the MUSA project is to assess the capability of Severe Accidents codes when modelling reactor and Spent Fuel Pool accident scenarios of GEN II, GEN III and GEN III+ reactor designs.
As a first-of-a-kind project addressing Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accident analysis involving industry leading organisations in a multinational context, the project is expected to have significant impacts in improving reactor safety.
All of the public deliverables produced within the MUSA project will be made available on the website.
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The MUSA Consortium comprises 29 partners and one associated partner, spread accross 3 continents. It involves the most experienced organisations in the scientific domain of SA and the vast majority have a long tradition in participation in previous and ongoing Eurpean projects.