The public deliverables produced by the MUSA partners in the various work packages will be published on this page as soon as they are made available.
D2.1 DRAFG Major sources of uncertainties during severe accidents in LWR and SFP affecting the ST
D2.2 Major sources of uncertainties of severe accidents in LWR and SFP affecting the ST
D3.1 Review of uncertainty methodologies and tools applicable to SA codes for the prediction of ST
D3.2 Guidelines for the use of uncertainty tools for SA codes to predict source term
D3.3 Best-practice Guidelines of uncertainty quantification performed within MUSA project
D4.1 UQ in integral SA experiments: Results and lessons learned on application to ST
Work Package 5 - Uncertainty Quantification in Analysis and Management of Reactor Accidents (UQAMRA)
D5.1 Results of uncertainty assessment of ST released to the environment
D5.2 Best practices for the assessment of ST uncertainty when performing severe accident simulations with SAM actions using system codes
D5.3 Recommendations on R&D efforts for reducing ST uncertainty released to the environment
- KIT Preliminary results for WP5: Uncertainty quantification of ASTEC using an In-house Python-based tool “FTSC” in predicting the radiological source term for a PWR MBLOCA SA-sequence

D6.1 Main uncertainties on accident progression and FP release in an SA in an SFP
D6.2 Review of SAM measures for SFP accident ST Mitigation and proposals of innovative mitigation measures and systems for an SA in an SFP
D6.3 Assessment of potential benefits from innovative mitigation systems for an SA in an SFP
D7.1 Communication and dissemination strategy
D7.2 Learning modules from MUSA
D7.3 Report on communication and dissemination activities
D7.4 Report on Education and training activities