The MUSA project highlights of the year 2022
As of June, MUSA has entered its 4th final year of research on “Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents”. With the end of the year 2022, and everyone getting ready to welcome the new year, we decided to also prepare for 2023 and to celebrate the accomplishments of the MUSA project over the last year. This 2022 has been an active year for the project, with achievements, most of which have been channeled through conferences, presentations, research papers and, the most important, great individual and joint work at last, after the hard environment we went through during COVID times!
Two main conferences have marked our year. In May, at the European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR) 2022 Conference held finally in presence after about two year of virtual meetings organized by KIT Karlsruhe, MUSA presented several papers, on topics such as Uncertainty Quantification for Severe Accident Sequences of Different Nuclear Power Plants Designs. It is worth noting that 3 of them were selected to be published in a special issue of the Annals of Nuclear Energy, which will come fully out in 2023. The conference had over 100 attendees and has a hard-earned international reputation (read more here about the ERMSAR2022 Conference).
MUSA also took part in the 19th international meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH) held virtually in March.
Additional publications have been made in other conferences. We invite you to discover them on the resources page on this website.
During this year, MUSA’s partners also took multiple opportunities to present the project at workshops and meetings with researchers from all over the world. One of them has become iconic over years, namely the FISA conference, organized by the European Commission to discuss the progress of major ongoing European projects. MUSA, together with AMHYCO and PIACE, was given the chance of showing its major achievements, and the work that remains ahead until the end of the project. The list of these events where MUSA has shared its accomplishments on the Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) of source term estimations during a severe accident, can be found on the MUSA calendar.
As of 2023, the consortium is expected to work on, and publish, a relevant number of journal and conference papers as many of the project’s work packages will finalize their activities. This progress will be an opportunity for our partners to disseminate the projects results towards top nuclear experts and stakeholders.
But there is one task that deserves special attention in the upcoming year: in 2023, MUSA will work on the release of public learning modules. At the end of the project at least three modules compiling the major outcomes from the project will be produced. The first one has been just published, and is available on the MUSA website since mid-December 2022.
They will address:
- Uncertainties in Severe Accidents: From the early days to the near future.
- Methodologies for uncertainty assessment in Severe Accidents, with particular emphasis on the Source Term estimates.
- Assessment of Source Term Uncertainties in Fukushima-like scenarios.
The closure of the project will be signed by the MUSA Final Open Workshop on the 10th and 11th of May at CIEMAT Madrid. This event will provide an excellent opportunity to delve into UQ in the Severe Accident area. https://musa-h2020.eu/event/musa-final-open-workshop/
So far, 2023 is looking like an exciting and busy year for MUSA, and we are looking forward to its start!